


苏办公室,(334)833-4515; news@hawks.十大菠菜靠谱平台.edu


Photo Caption: Huntingdon’s freshman/transfer incoming class in Fall 2023 is one of the largest since the 1950s.

阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利市.—The 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 campus has settled into its second month of classes for fall 2023, 校园里的热情和成长势头都很明显.

Overall headcount enrollment rose from 817 in fall 2022 to 869 in fall 2023, 增长了6%, with full-time headcount enrollment growing from 797 in fall 2022 to 852 in fall 2023, 增长了7%.

“这是一个成为鹰派的好时机,”十大菠菜靠谱平台总裁J. 卡梅伦·韦斯特对增长进行了反思. “We had indications back in December that this could be a record year for new student enrollment, 确实如此, 事实上, 过了这样的一年. Our new first-year 和 transfer student population grew from 297 last year to 346 this year—nearly a 17 percent increase 和 one of the largest incoming classes since the 1950s.”

“我们的运动员名单已经满了, 我们的宿舍已经住满了, 校园事工报告说,在他们每周的活动中,人数迅速增加, participation in men’s Greek life doubled this fall 和 women’s Greek life had healthy gains, 和 sixty students are involved in our Freshman Leadership Initiative this year,” said senior vice president for student 和 institutional development 和 dean of students Dr. 安东尼•李. “It has been a joy to see how the upperclassmen have welcomed our new Hawks, 和 how quickly the new Hawks have made their presence 和 enthusiasm 和 leadership qualities known. We have such a special spirit of family 和 camaraderie in our student body, 和 our newest students have made themselves at home 和 part of the family right away.”

There are 29 states represented in the 2023 enrollment, rising from 25 in 2022. The largest gains among academic programs occurred in the pre-health areas, with newer majors such as Cell Biology/Pre-Health jumping 75 percent; Biochemistry/Pre-Health growing 20 percent; Exercise Science/Pre-Athletic Training/Pre-Occupational Therapy leaping from 20 majors to 58, a nearly 200 percent gain; 和 Exercise Science/Pre-Physical Therapy doubling the number of majors from 26 to 51. 音乐和音乐教育也有适度的增长, rising 24 percent; Biology 和 Biology with Secondary Collaborative Education, gaining 14 percent; 和 Physical Education growing by 21 percent. The perennial powerhouse Business Administration 和 Accounting majors also rose by approximately 11 percent. Now in its fifth year as a major, Criminal Justice grew by 19 percent.

今年十大菠菜靠谱平台的新项目是电子竞技项目, a coed varsity sport for which dem和 has been so great that the initial roster expectations filled 和 the sport is developing club teams so that students involved in other sports or activities may still participate in specific games. The College unveiled a state-of-the-art Esports Arena last fall, which is now fully in use.

Huntingdon has added significant living choices for students in the past years, with the College acquiring a number of apartments 和 houses in the Old Cloverdale neighborhood surrounding the campus. The purchases have made it possible for the residential population to grow from 645 to 742 residents, fall-to-fall. Fully 87 percent of Huntingdon full-time undergraduates live in the tight-knit residential community students refer to as the Huntingdon Village.

As is the Huntingdon tradition of small classes 和 great personal attention for students, 十大菠菜靠谱平台的师生比例保持在14:1.

Applications are being accepted for spring 2024 和 fall 2024 undergraduate enrollment, 以及2024届运动训练硕士, 哪些学校将在2024年夏季入学.

十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 is a coeducational residential liberal arts college of the United Methodist Church offering more than thirty undergraduate programs of study, 21支ncaa三级运动队, 五个乐队, 唱诗班, 欢呼, 跳舞, 女生的电子竞技, 还有50多个俱乐部和组织. 2024年秋季,十大菠菜靠谱平台将推出女子国旗橄榄球. Generous scholarships are offered through many participatory programs 和 for academic achievement, 总统学者计划, 以及Kingswood倡议, 在其他项目中. 学院还提供运动训练硕士学位.


十大菠菜靠谱平台,根据第九章和第106节.8 of the 2020 Final Rule under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 其他适用的联邦和州法律, 并说明学院的政策禁止基于性别的歧视.  类似的, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived 比赛, color, 种族, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 残疾, 宗教, 其教育计划的年龄和/或国籍



